Flying High in a DA40

This is the last of the current batch of USA shots.

One of the highlights (excuse the pun) of our time in Delaware was our flight in Marc’s aeroplane. He is the proud owner of a Diamond Air DA40 aeroplane, which is incredibly cute! We took off from Wilmington Airport, and took a 40 minute trip over Delaware Bay.

DA-40 during the pre-flight check

A technical aside, for those of you that say the iPad is just a toy, the flight plan was logged using an iPad, and maps of the airport, runways and flight were on the iPad during the flight (in addition to the Garmin flight deck stuff in the aircraft).


Ready to go – (Photo by Lois Strachan)

The trip was great fun an uneventful (which is a good thing), two days later we were braced down for Huricane Irene, so it was a good interlude with the wonderful weather.

HDR shot of the aircraft, a copy is now on the wall in Marc’s study :-)

Coming in to land on runway 19 (ie 190 degrees on the map).

While the runway looked very short, it can easily land a 737, it is over 2km long. The trip was fantastic, and definitely a highlight of our trip. Thanks to Marc for taking us on the trip, and a huge thanks to both Marc and Patti for looking after us so  well during our (extended) trip. Hope to do more flying soon.


 Last shot, just before takeoff


  1. Steffe said:

    Good use of the Ipod. You look kinda pleased here. I really like the second last photo.

    September 19, 2011
    • Craig said:

      Thanks Steffe, yes the runway looks good. I like it as well. The iPad was amazing, and matched the built-in GPS every step of the flight.

      September 19, 2011
  2. Steffi said:

    Great photos and you are really brave ;)!

    September 20, 2011
    • Craig Strachan said:

      Hardly brave, I have ever faith in Marc’s flying (he is instrument rated)

      September 20, 2011

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