Sunrise on election day

Even though today is election day and a public holiday, the city council are still working, and our garbage is being collected. I forgot to leave my bin outside last night, so this morning when I heard the truck at the bottom of the road I had to rush out of bed and leave my bin outside.

This is a good thing because I saw this wonderful sunrise. So of course I rushed back in, grabbed my camera and tripod and snapped this shot (7 shots merged in photoshop). I think that it came out really well. There are absolutely no tonal adjustments to the colour, this is literally how it came out.


  1. Steffi said:

    So can start each day-with a great sunrise.Great sunrises are here not so often to see.Enjoy your public day and maybe A.´s birthday today!Many Greetings to her.

    May 18, 2011
  2. Craig said:

    We are seeing her this evening. I will pass on your wishes. At this time of year we get lots of wonderful sunrises and sunsets. Bizarre because there is no wind and the dust and pollution in the sky makes for great sunrises.

    May 18, 2011

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