Mushrooms in Delaware

Mushroom patch

I took these pictures ages ago on my phone while going for a walk last August in Delaware. And then I forgot completely about them.

Anyway, this patch of monster mushrooms were growing on somebody’s front lawn, and all I can think of is how good they would taste lightly fried with olive oil and fresh garlic. That is of course assuming they don’t kill me in the process! I have no idea what mushrooms you can or cannot eat, so then only mushrooms that I eat come wrapped straight from the shelves of the supermarket.

Mushroom patch

I took these shots about 2 days before Hurricane Irene, so I hope the little folk living underneath them survived the storm!


  1. ricky godwin said:

    I would like to know if there poisonous I like to eat Natural healthy mushrooms

    August 12, 2012
    • Craig said:

      I have no idea, I highly recommend you check with an expert before eating mystery mushrooms.

      August 12, 2012

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