Two pics of the Muizenberg beach houses; shot on 35mm film. Yeah I know that everybody loves to shoot these houses, but they still make for a great subject.
Category: <span>Cape Town</span>
On Sunday I visited the Southyeasters home-brew festival. It was (somewhat strangely) hosted at SAB in Newlands (SAB is the second biggest commercial brewery in the world). But back to the home-brew, there were some amazing beers to try. Many of the stands had a simple “help yourself” policy, and the rest were generous with their tastings.
Being a home-brewer myself I was amazed at how big the local home-brew scene is, and also at the quality. Of all the beers I tried there was only 1 that I did not enjoy. The rest were fantastic.
You will be seeing me there next year, maybe even at my own stand. Find out more about home-brewing in Cape Town.
This “bar” was a wooden crate turned on its side with a beer tap installed
Help youself
The steam train came past just as I was arriving home from my morning run yesterday. It is great that there are still people enthuastic about keeping little pieces of the age of steam alive. If you want to go for a ride, chat to Atlantic Rail.
Yesterday was the Argus Cycle Tour, a 109k cycle through Cape Town. I have ridden about 6 or 7 of them, but since I discovered the world of running I have barely been on a bike. But I was still on the side of the road with camera in hand.
The view of Cape Town Stadium from Table Bay. It was built for the 2010 FIFA football world cup, and is used for a mixture of football and rock concerts. I still think that it is a bit of a white elephant and it costs the city a fortune to maintain, but it is still a beautiful addition to our city.
I don’t tyink that you can ever tire of the view from or the view of Table Mountain. This shot was taken from the upper cable station view a view of Lion’s Head in the foreground, with Robben Island in the distance. If you are wondering what the red packs and ropes on the right are for, the answer is abseiling equipment. Yes if you are brave you can pay to slide down the side of the mountain on climbing ropes. While I am sure it fun I think I will stick to shooting the pictures.
We had dinner the other day at one of the restaurants at the V&A Waterfront and Lois ordered one of the vegetarian meals. This divine looking vegetarian platter arrived a few minutes later (certainly much better than the baked potato, spinach and butternut vege platters of the 80’s). But the only problem is that it is not what she ordered. But that didn’t stop me from taking a quick photo of it before it was whisked away to be rapidly replaced with the correct meal.