Category: <span>Cape Town</span>

Strange road machine

I am not quite sure what this machine is used for, but I think that it is to strip old roads before a fresh layer of tar is added, but is just a guess. I do however know that this machine has something to do with roads, it (and its friends) has been driving up and down Main Road for the last few days, resurfacing the road.

And for the first time in history, this crew are working quickly. They are over half way, and the road  looks set to be freshly tarred well within the promised two weeks.

Cape Town HDR South Africa

Valentine's day

As you can gather I am not big on Valentine’s day. I buy Lois flowers because I choose to, not because of commercial and social pressure (yeah boring I know). So yes I buy her flowers; just not on Feb 14th.

So when the Fro sent out a challenge to shoot a creative Valentine’s Day shot, I jumped right in. This picture gives a different perspective on Valentines day. I think that it works. What do you think?

ps: please don’t try this at home

Cape Town

Raindrop chilli

This mornings rain was a welcome relief from the sweltering heat of the last couple of weeks. The garden loved the extra water, which was especially good for my  chilli plants. The plant in the photo is a peppadew, which is a uniquely South African hybrid between a chilli and a baby tomato. While it is spicy, it should be mild enough for most people. I love just chomping on them, or adding them to sandwiches or salad.

You are welcome to pop over and try some, otherwise most South African shops will have them (and certainly most shops in South Africa).


Cape Town Food and Drink

The Lentil Collective

On Friday evening, Lois and I went to see a band that we have been wanting to watch for a while, The Lentil Collective. They were playing at a small venue in Muizenberg called The Melting Pot. Yes, the Lentles were playing in the pot. Let the jokes begin.

The Lentil Collective

Anyway, they are a rather eclectic band; a mixture of folk and acoustic pop, with a healthy amount of looping and sampling added into the mix. They describe themselves as “folktronica”, which is pretty accurate. But you can decide for yourselves, just go here and download their music (for free). I really enjoyed them, they are just some guys wanting to play some great music and have some fun. Fairly laid-back, fun and original. Really worth listening to.

If you see them playing, head down, you will hear some great music.


Cape Town

Old Truck

This is the last of the shots from the recent Classic car expo (unless I find anymore that I have missed). I love the classic feel to this old truck, complete with wooden spokes and the wishbone suspension. If you scratched around in the bed of the truck, you could find all manner of interesting things, including old car radios, speedometers, wires and random tools.

The truck is still licensed and in running order, I am glad that somebody is looking after it.

Cape Town HDR

Not often you see me in a ballet hall, but don’t worry it is just a venue we are using.


Cape Town


Two more of the classic cars, these old beauties remind me of the evil car in Stephen King’s novel Christine – the car that killed people.


Cape Town HDR

Classic car

This lovely old car was shot at the classic car expo yesterday. I took tons of photos, so watch the blog for more to follow.

Cape Town HDR

Old tools

While I was shooting at the classic car expo, I came across a stall selling old workshop tools. The seller wanted to know why I was taking pictures of “my junk”. Well, old tools have history. They tell a story, and they leave questions behind. Who owned these tools, what were they used for, how did they end up here, what was fixed or made using these tools?

Old screwdrivers

Junk? I don’t think so.

Cape Town


I have been trying to shoot a really sharp picture of the moon for ages, and I think I am getting close. I shot this on a bright and clear night a few days ago, just before the moon became full.

Cape Town