Category: <span>Cape Town</span>

light painting

Sometimes you need to have some fun, enjoy the process and not  worry too much about the outcome. So when I saw that my Christmas tree lights had not yet been put away, I plugged them in, took out my camera, set it on a low shutter speed and did some finger painting!

The results are a little abstract and trivial, but I had loads of fun, and sometimes that is what it is all about.

Although thinking about it, the bright lights in front of a black background could be an omen on the future of the SOAP bill; I hope so.

Here are a few more of the pictures.


Cape Town

I spotted these early morning paddlers while driving to work, so I grabbed my phone and took the shot. I like the way the duck appears to be watching the paddlers.


Cape Town South Africa Travel

Muizenberg at night

After the previous two action photos, here is something to mellow down a little with.  This was a long exposure (30 second) shot taken on the rocks of Muzienberg beach just after sunset. No, there is no HDR processing involved. This is just how it came out.

Muizenberg at night

Here is another shot from the same shoot – enjoy!

Cape Town

On the same day that I took the windsurfing shots, I went down to the beach to watch the kite surfers. Now if you think that the windsurfers go fast, they are like a child with training wheels on a new bicycle compared to the crazy kite surfers.

Kitesurfing on Muizenberg beach

If you put skydiving, water skiing, windsurfing and surfing into a giant bowl and mixed, you would get something resembling kite surfing. This is the only water-sport I know where wearing a helmet is (or at least should be) considered good form.

Kitesurfing on Muizenberg beach

I don’t know how high they jump, but it looks like  it can easily be over 5 meters. Sometimes you can see the beginners practise on Zandvlei (where the wind surfers usually are), and it takes a lot of practise and skill to get as good as this guy.

Kitesurfing on Muizenberg beach

Buy wow, it looks like fun, maybe I will try it someday.

Cape Town

While my blog has been a little quiet over the past few days, it is not because I have had nothing to post, but rather because I have been to busy shooting over the last few days. The glorious days in Cape Town over the Christmas period provided me with plenty of opportunity for some outdoor shooting. I will post some of the results over the next few days.

Firstly, windsurfing on Zandvlei.

Windsurfing on Zandvlei

When the South-Easter blows, it blows through False bay and straight across Zandvlei, which makes it a bit of a Mecca for windsurfers. In summer you are guaranteed to see a few windsurfers zipping up and down the vlei at high speeds. They surf at spectacular speeds,and of course they crash spectacularly as well.

About to wipeout

When the nose dips like that, you know you are going to do down.

Windsurfing on Zandvlei

When I moved to the area I tried it out for several months, but alas my balance is just not good enough for this sport. So I have to content myself with shooting (with a camera) the windsurfers. They only come out when the wind blows, but at this time of year that is almost all the time.

Weekly top shot

Cape Town South Africa

After all the wonderful meals I ate yesterday, some exercise was much needed, so I took the opportunity of a relatively cool and wind-free day to go for a morning cycle.

I went from home to the entrance of the Cape Point Nature Reserve, and the roads were surprisingly quiet. This was not the case on the return cycle; by then Cape Town was awake and about a million people were headed off to the beaches along my route.

Anyway, I cycled for 56km so I am ready for tonight’s dinner out :-)


Cape Town Travel

Christmas Lights

Bokea created with the Christmas lights on my ree, Happy Christmas everybody

Cape Town

We have mountain fires in Cape Town every summer. Usually they happen when it is hot and windy, and mostly they are started by cigarette butts being thrown out of car windows.

Mountain on fire

This year is no exception. On Saturday the mountain just above Boyes Drive was on fire, and the fire-crews were using two helicopters to dump water onto the fire. Because it was so close to my house and I live right next to the vlei, I watched the choppers collecting the water out of the lake before dumping it onto the fire.

Choppers collecting water

It was pretty amazing watching the choppers, incredible skill in dropping down to grab the water, and then dumping it right on the hot-spots. This is in the cross-winds and flying through all the smoke. These are amazing pilots.

Dropping water on the fire

Thankfully, they managed to put this one out quite quickly, and there didn’t seem to be any major damage. We have had some pretty major fires in the past.

Army chopper

Here are the rest of the pics.

Cape Town News South Africa


A row of somewhat antique chairs for sale on Main Road in Muizenberg. I just love the variety of chairs for sale.


Cape Town Travel

There is nothing like an evening Braai to end off a long weekend, especially when it is one of those rare wind-free hot summer evenings.

Here’s hoping for some more wonderful summer weather.


Cape Town Travel