Category: <span>Cape Town</span>

Even though today is election day and a public holiday, the city council are still working, and our garbage is being collected. I forgot to leave my bin outside last night, so this morning when I heard the truck at the bottom of the road I had to rush out of bed and leave my bin outside.

This is a good thing because I saw this wonderful sunrise. So of course I rushed back in, grabbed my camera and tripod and snapped this shot (7 shots merged in photoshop). I think that it came out really well. There are absolutely no tonal adjustments to the colour, this is literally how it came out.

Cape Town South Africa

Isn’t it amazing how quickly mushrooms grow? Or is this a toadstool? I have no idea. This is why I always buy my mushrooms at Woolies, because at least then I know I can eet them?

I caught this one at my parent’s house on Sunday just as a think mist was lifting. I love the little water drops on the end of the blades of grass. And amazingly even though there were 25 people there for a birthday, nobody stepped on the mushroom. Perhaps they were scared of the faerie folk?

Cape Town

A nice bright yellow rose to brighten up the day. Taken at Aunth Ruth’s 90th birthday party.


A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, 1600



Cape Town

You don’t see penguins on the main road. Or do you? Boulders Beach in Simonstown is home to a colony of African penguins.  But Simonstown Main Road is not home to a colony of African penguins. So, this morning  I was surprised to cycle past the golf course and see two penguins wondering down the side of the road.


As soon as they say me they ducked into the bushes, so this is all I managed to shoot with my happy-snappy (no I don’t take my SLR when I cycle). While they look really cute, they don’t smell all that great…

Cape Town

For R5 you can get rid of your road rage. Now that sounds like a bargin. I saw this smashed up taxi in the middle of a soccer field in a built up area. That is a little strange.

The field was behind a sturdy fence, so it could not have just been left there. The writing reads:

3 shots for R5
Come and get rid of your road rage

I assume that the enterprising owner was allowing you to take three shots at his smashed up taxi (with a gun?) for R5. The field is just behind the Sanbel Building in Belville. Can you shed any light on it?

Update (16 May 2011), today I drive past and they are gone. The plot thickens…

Cape Town Esoteric

Are your animals influenced by the moon? Mine are. Tonight the moon is in its first quarter. So I have about 3 weeks until my dogs go crazy. I don’t know why, but every full moon my dogs (OK just Calvin and Emily) bark at everything, they run around like mad, and they demand extra attention. And yes, far more than usual.

While I don’t believe in Astrology, there is a lunar influence in my animals. It reminds me of the song Zodiac Thrill by my old band Elephant Sun. Let me know what you think below.

Cape Town

My dad makes the best pancakes! When I lived with my parents, my father made pancakes on Sunday evenings. I have not had my dad’s pancakes in years, so I was excited when he announced that he was making them for Mother’s day tea.

My dad has not lost his touch. He still flips the best pancakes. Especially when you add Canadian Maple syrup, cinnamon sugar, cream and a dash of fresh lemon juice.

Cape Town Food and Drink

Love you mom

Cape Town

(Notes from the Cape in Johannesburg)

In a recent post, I spoke about our guest house in Krugersdorp. This lovely lantern hung in the middle of the outside dining area.

Cape Town

I have been meaning to catalogue some of my old recordings, and finally I have got to it. I have converted about 5 hours of Elephant Sun music, which is the band that I played in during the late 90’s (me on bass), and the tuesday’s child stuff is still in the pipline. So head on down here to listen to my old band.

Cape Town