Category: <span>Cape Town</span>

Here are some more pics of the recent airshow
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Cds MG 0739
Taxing on her way to perform a few tricks

Cape Town

An old lady, sitting gracefully in the sun
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By the way, if I knew a little more about areoplanes I would tell you what these pics are all of, but alas I don’t!

Perhaps you can leave a comment and tell me?

Cape Town HDR

Cds MG 1049

Today was the (by now annual) attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the most surfers riding on the same wave. The record of 110 surfers was set at the same spot (the famous Surfers Corner at Muizenberg Beach) almost a year ago.

Cds MG 1012

Since I live so close to the beach, I had to pop around and see how they were doing. Over 150 surfers waiting in line in an attempt to get over 110 people surfing at the same time.

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So did they manage to break the record? Although over 90 surfers rode a single wave, the previous record was not beaten. Perhaps next year.

Cape Town

What do you think? I think it came out pretty well.

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Cape Town HDR

Some pictures of the Cell C aeroplanes at Cape Town Airshow

Cds MG 0980

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Cds MG 0974
#3 waiting for flight

Cape Town

Cds MG 0741

Africa Aerospace & Defence Ysterplaat Airshow, otherwise knows as the Cape Town Airshow.

This plane – one of the Silver Falcons – is painted to look like the South African flag. Watch out for more pictures to be posted over the next few days.

Cape Town

Cds MG 0198
Spring is such a great time to take photos in Cape Town. You can walk down almost any road and you will find hundreds of little yellow and while flowers growing in every field, and out of every crack in every pavement.

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When the sun hides away, the flowers seem to mysteriously disappear, but as soon as the sum comes out, they burst forth in a bright symphony of colour. Above is a lone yellow flower, growing in the grass, and below a yellow field bursting forth with colour.

Cds MG 0593

Cape Town

Cds MG 0475

Just look at that beach, you really cannot compare with it.

Cape Town

Cds MG 0455A couple of six second exposure of one of the streams inside Kirstenbosch Gardens in Cape Town. Kirstenbosch,

Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden is truly one of the most beauthful gardens in the world. It covers approximately 46 hecatares, and contains a staggering 7000 different plant species. The Cape Floristic Region, which includes Kirstenbosch, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site –the first botanic garden in the world to be included.

We were there for a picnic to celebrate a friend’s birthday, you are welcome to take your own picnics, but they also have two wonderful restaurants.

You can find more details on their website.

Cds MG 0456

Cape Town

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A fishing boat in dry dock in Cape Town, it looks like they have been doing some maintenance to the hull.

I quite like the bright colours against the grey background.

Cape Town HDR