Category: <span>HDR</span>

The bathrooms in one of the prison blocks on Robben Island.

Cape Town HDR

Inside the beautiful St Mary’s Basilica in, Krakow, Poland. One of the most beauthful churches I have ever been in.

HDR Travel

Charles Bridge, Prague at night with the beautiful castle and cathedral in the background.

HDR Travel

The room in which Nelson Mandela lived for 18 years of his life on Robben Island. Seeing the size of it is a humbling experience.
Nelson Mandela prison cell

Cape Town HDR News

Detail of the ceiling of St Nicholas Church in Prague. The Chrurch looks like nothing from outside, but it is astonishingly beautiful from the inside.

HDR Travel

The ceiling of the Municipal Hall in Prague. The acoustics in this room are amazing.

HDR Travel

The Torture room at Prague Castle. Yes there is one in every city, but still kind of fun to shoot (in a strangely morbid way).

HDR Travel

Looking up at the wonderful ceiling of St Vitus Cathedral.

HDR Travel

Ok so sometimes you just have to go a little over the top with your processing…this is a photo of my car’s father from Poland.

HDR Travel

You can see the spires of St Vitus Cathedral from almost anywhere in Prague. A lovely and typically gothic cathedral.

HDR Travel