Category: <span>HDR</span>
The Sedov arrives in Cape Town for the first time in 77 years, and I just happened to be in the V&A Waterfront today to get some shots.
And here is some detail of the rigging, imagine having to untangle that lot.
Inside the citadel of Carcassonne, what used to be houses inside the fortified city are now restaurants and tourist shops. But still a wonderful place to visit.
Today’s picture is much closer to home. It was shot about 9 months ago at a car show, and I was never happy with how I processed it.
While I would love to shoot this again without all the other cars and people in the background, I am much more happy with this version.
Whenever I look at an old car like this, I wonder where it came from, what sort of life did it live, and what stores can it tell?
I almost got chased by a farmer on a tracter when shooting this shot. I was driving down a back road near Puigcerda in the Pyrenees when I saw some old and broken down farm buildings.
I had to stop and investigate, and was promptly confronted by a farmer in a huge tractor demanding to know what I was doing, no doubt on his land.
Once he realized I was a crazy foreigner with a camera he decided I was not a threat and just drove off (or perhaps he went to get reinforcements; I never did find out).
So I took a few shots as quickly and got out of there just in case the reinforcements were on their way. I like this shot of the trailer, and while it still looks pretty serviceable, I like the colouring the late afternoon sun gives to the shot.
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