Tag: <span>greece</span>

My last post was a photo of a busker in Krakow, Poland. Today’s picture is also of musicians. But this time they were not busking; they were playing at an outside restaurant on the narrow streets of Aegina in Greece.

It was probably our second or third night when we stumbled across them after dinner, but that didn’t stop us from grabbing a table and a carafe of wine, and sitting to listen to them while we sipped the wine.

It is completely cheesy to be a tourist in Greece and listen to musicians playing the theme tune to “Zorba the Greek”, but it was nonetheless lovely. Although to be honest, by the end of our trip I was getting a little tired of that tune; there doesn’t seem to be a single musician in Greece that does not include it at least once in his set.

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Enjoying the music in Greece

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This lovely little stone church was about 200m from our hotel in Vagia, a tiny little down on the Island of Aegina in Greece. It took enormous restraint to not pull the rope on the bell. It had “pull me” written all over it!
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This is where you went to ask the Oracle for advice. The answers were ecstatic speech which where translated by the priests.

We got our own advice in a manner at the temple, when a dog walked up to us, started sniffing Lois’ white cane, and then gently grabbed onto it, as if to say that she needed a dog and not a cane. Then the dog wondered off.

This is just before we left to go back home and be with our dogs, and Lois is due for a new guide dog in a couple of months!

So maybe the ancients were onto something after all.

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