This will be my last pictures of the beach houses in Muizenberg. Hopefully by now some of the pictures from my trip in Spain should be starting to come through. Of all my pictures, this is my favourite, I really like the framing in it, and I think it would look great printed on canvas.
Tag: <span>muizenberg</span>
This beach cabin as as brightly painted as the beach houses on Muizenberg beach. It is used by the life-saving club as a base, and although it looks a little dilapidated, it is still being put to good use.
With the wonderful warm days we have been having, the wild flowers have been bursting into colourful blooms, and disappearing as the sun goes down. This shot is of the wild grass growing on the side of the road in Muizenberg. The verges are covered in these bright flowers as far as the eye can see. And adding that starburst effect you get when shooting directly into the sun, it makes for an interesting shot.
I recently posted a black and white shot of the beach huts in Muizenberg. Here is an HDR version of the same scene. Which version do you prefer?
Another misty morning today, and an opportunity to test my new wide-angled lens. These beach huts are found both in Muizenberg, and in St James as well. They are based on the beach huts found all along the Brighton coast. Although they are a reminder of the heyday of Muizenberg in the past,they are still very much in use.
An (almost full) moon, caught just above the Muizenberg Mountains this morning. The moon was full on Monday, so was still pretty large this morning. If you look really closely, you can see the shapes where the moon-mice have been eating from the big block of cheese.
This was the view out of my bedroom window this morning :-)
PS: no cheating in Photoshop involved. That is exactly where the moon was.
On Friday evening, I saw a lovely rainbow on the beach, and just managed to catch it before the clouds completely blocked the sun. We have had remarkably clear skies this weekend, but it has been freezing cold. There must be snow somewhere on the mountains.
By the way, last week’s boat that was run around has amazingly been pulled off the beach with any environmental damage. Hooray!
Well, not me, but one day I will. I think you need to be brave, and perhaps a little crazy to go surfing at 8am in the middle of winter.
On Friday evening, Lois and I went to see a band that we have been wanting to watch for a while, The Lentil Collective. They were playing at a small venue in Muizenberg called The Melting Pot. Yes, the Lentles were playing in the pot. Let the jokes begin.
Anyway, they are a rather eclectic band; a mixture of folk and acoustic pop, with a healthy amount of looping and sampling added into the mix. They describe themselves as “folktronica”, which is pretty accurate. But you can decide for yourselves, just go here and download their music (for free). I really enjoyed them, they are just some guys wanting to play some great music and have some fun. Fairly laid-back, fun and original. Really worth listening to.
If you see them playing, head down, you will hear some great music.
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