Tag: <span>prague</span>

The changing of the guard at Prague Castle.


One of the lovely statues inside St Nicholas Church.


These scary statues stand above the gates to Prague Castle. I think they are a warning to all.
Prague Castle
And bashing


Decay, and old wall in Prague.


You can buy pig’s Knee, or Eisbein as I usually know it, at almost every restaurant in Prague. While they are often served boiled, the baked knee with the crispy skin is by far the best. Really yummy. I am sure that I personally am responsible for a huge upsurge in sales.

Food and Drink Travel

Detail of the ceiling of St Nicholas Church in Prague. The Chrurch looks like nothing from outside, but it is astonishingly beautiful from the inside.

HDR Travel

The ceiling of the Municipal Hall in Prague. The acoustics in this room are amazing.

HDR Travel

St George slays the Dragon at Prague Castle. The original statue (which is in the National Gallery) was cast in the 1300’s.


Walking through prague is like walking through any European city. They are loads of small sidewalk restaurants and cafe’s where you can pause, read the news and just watch the world go by.


Yes another Absinthe Shop in Prague, tons of different Absinthe’s to try.
